I was diagnosed with mental health issues shortly after entering the full-time workforce. I had a Bachelor of Commerce from UWA and was working as a Chartered Accountant in auditing, taxation and not-for-profit accounting but battled with a lack of personal identity. Through getting myself involved with various community groups, I managed to achieve a sense of recovery and I believe it was this sense of community belonging that turned my mental health around.
I now work in the mental health sector for a large charity and have developed my own mental health initiative, Activate Mental Health, to promote the importance of community and social connection for mental wellbeing. Through Activate Mental Health I provide a platform for like-minded people to connect over fun social activities and reduce their feelings of isolation at the same time. I am using the skills learned from my University days, and my own personal battles, to make a difference in people’s lives.
I had long felt a desire to work professionally in the not-for-profit sector, in particular in mental health, when I finally decided to leave the security of accounting to work in the employment services sector. In hindsight, this was a mistake and if I could offer advice to anyone thinking of also making a career change, in any sector, it would be to follow your instinct and take the risk on what you really want to do. I knew I wanted to work in mental health, but employment services seemed to me an easier path to transition into the not-for-profit sector. I have since realised that whatever I thought was going to bring happiness to my life, did, in the end result in my happiest moments. I wanted to travel, pursue photography and volunteer in the community. Once I did these things, I experienced happiness on levels that exceeded all my expectations. Following your gut on what brings you happiness, personally and professionally, is so vital to living a fulfilling life.
If you’re also looking to work in the mental health sector, get yourself involved in a small number of community-based groups, either based within or external to the University. You learn after a while that it’s the quality of positive relationships you have that makes a rich and happy life and helps you become a well-rounded person and valuable employee. With the introduction of The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it is both a time of new opportunity and of great challenge. The sector finds itself in a state of flux. With this in mind, it’s essential that you get the right training to prepare yourself for work in a unique environment. The Certificate IV Mental Health is seen almost as a pre-requisite for any role, whether you’re thinking of becoming a support worker or using your existing skills, like accounting, to make a difference.
Activate Mental Health is always looking for people from all walks of life and any area of expertise to get involved. If you’re thinking of working in the sector and want to get some experience of what it’s really like, I welcome you to get in touch, volunteer or simply see how we are promoting the values of acceptance, community and fun.
Rahul Seth BCom '08
Founder, Activate Mental Health
Finance Project Officer, HelpingMinds
Rahul Seth BCom '08, Founder, Activate Mental Health
About the author
Rahul Seth is a Chartered Accountant turned mental health change maker. After graduating UWA with a Bachelor of Commerce, Rahul initially worked in the fields of auditing and taxation while being involved with the public practice accounting sector. After sensing a desire to want to work professionally in the not for profit sector, Rahul left the accounting sector and initially worked in the employment services sector. During these years Rahul battled mental health issues caused by a strong lack of personal identity, but turned this around through involvement with tennis, volunteering and photography communities.
Sensing another change, Rahul formed Perth Active Depression Support Group, now known as Activate Mental Health, as a way to connect like-minded people through fun social activities. Rahul has gone on to studying a Certificate IV in Mental Health and works in the mental health sector using his academic credentials and personal life experiences.
You can connect with Rahul on LinkedIn and keep up-to-date with Activate Mental Health on the website, through the Facebook page or the Meetup webpage.