A broad range of topics
Specially curated for Young Alumni by UniSuper Experts
Ever gone through a checkout and experienced that dreaded niggling doubt? Do I have enough moneyin my account?
Or have you received a letter from your superannuation company, getting to the end and having no idea what you just read?
Guess what... You're not alone AND it's nothing to be ashamed of!
The good news is, UWA Young Alumni have teamed up with the University Club and the financial wizards at UniSuper to put together this awesome Winter Wealth Event series to help YOU. With everything from how to budget and save, what type of investments you can realistically make to all things SUPERannuation.
Attend one, two or all three events and we'll have you performing acts of personal financial wizardry in no time.
As an added benefit these events offer a fantastic opportunity to get together and network with your fellow young alumni, you never know where a new connection or conversation may take you!
Meet our Expert Speakers

An award-winning member-first super fund
With strong performance, lower fees and sustainable investment options.* We’re one of Australia’s largest super funds, with more than 500,000 members and over $106 billion in funds under management. Our investment process considers our environmental, social and governance (ESG) themed strategies. We’re Australia’s largest investor in ESG-themed strategies and proud of it.
With 100% responsible investment options and a pledge for net-zero by 2050, you'll see a future that won't cost the earth.
*Past performance isn’t an indicator of future performance.
Event Programme
- 6:00pm: Registration
- Delegates are encouraged to arrive and register on time to make the most of the pre and post-presentation networking.
- 6:10pm: Welcome Address
- Young Alumni Chair Rhiannon Compton BSc '16, MCom '18 will welcome delegates.
- 6:15pm: Presentation
- 45 minute presentation from UniSuper Expert Rudy Leong BA, BCom '09 sure to have your mind brimming with new facts, tips and advice to becoming your own personal finance wizard.
- 6:55pm: Q&A
- Your opportunity to ask any burning questions, seek clarification or probe deeper into an issue.
- 7:00pm: Networking
- End a great event with refreshments and the chance to connect with your fellow Young Alumni.
These events are filmed live so keep an eye on this space as we will be posting them as soon as we can, so you can watch and share them from anywhere! Head over to YouTube to watch with captions.