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Friends of UWA Albany are an enthusiastic group of UWA Alumni from the Great Southern who are committed to supporting UWA Albany and its students. Formed in 1999, they advocate for regional students to have access to the same educational opportunities and facilities as students in the city.

Supporting UWA Albany

The Friends of UWA Albany:

  • Encourage the Great Southern community to take an active interest and participate in the University's activities in Albany and the wider region
  • Organise a variety of activities to connect UWA Albany with the community
  • Promote the University's activities through events and newsletters
  • Raise funds to support special projects and fund prizes and scholarships

Join Friends of UWA Albany

By becoming a Friend of UWA Albany you will support UWA Albany students and keep you in touch with the vibrant academic life and activities at the University.

To join, complete the application form which outlines the membership fees. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call 9842 0888.

Membership Application Form [PDF, 161 KB]
Updated 3 June 2021 (NOTE: file may download automatically in some browsers)

Contact Friends of UWA Albany

Sally Thomas
President, Friends of UWA Albany