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Professor Lyndon da Cruz

Professor Lyndon da Cruz

Professor Lyndon da Cruz was presented with the Australian of the Year in the UK award at the Australia Day Foundation Gala Dinner in London on 25th January 2020, in recognition of his outstanding career achievements.

Lyndon is a renowned vitreo-retinal surgeon and medical retinal specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

After completing his medical studies at UWA, Lyndon began his research interest in retinal disease at the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, in Oxford in 1990. On completion of the English surgical fellowship he returned to Australia for further research and completed a PhD at UWA working at the Lions Eye Institute. He completed his Australian speciality training and carried out a vitreo-retinal surgical fellowship with Professor Ian McAllister in Perth. He was awarded the NH&MRC post-doctoral fellowship in 1999 and named the Menzies Scholar in Science and Medicine for Australia in 2000. He won the Howard Florey Post-doctoral Fellowship from the Royal Society that brought him to London to study with Professor Alan Bird. He finished his clinical training with further vitreo-retinal surgical fellowships in London, at Moorfields Eye Hospital where he is now Consultant Retinal Surgeon and Medical Retina Specialist. He is Clinical Lead of The London Project and Head of the Artificial Retina Programme at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Lyndon is an active participant in the UWA London Dinner and was its MC in 2018.

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