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A broad range of topics
Specially curated for Young Alumni by UniSuper Experts

Ever gone through a checkout and experienced that dreaded niggling doubt? Do I have enough moneyin my account?

Or have you received a letter from your superannuation company, getting to the end and having no idea what you just read? 

Guess what... You're not alone AND it's nothing to be ashamed of!

The good news is, UWA Young Alumni have teamed up with the University Club and the financial wizards at UniSuper to put together this awesome Winter Wealth Event series to help YOU. With everything from how to budget and save, what type of investments you can realistically make to all things SUPERannuation. 

Attend one, two or all three events and we'll have you performing acts of personal financial wizardry in no time. 

As an added benefit these events offer a fantastic opportunity to get together and network with your fellow young alumni, you never know where a new connection or conversation may take you!

Meet our speakers and mentors (plus more to be announced!)

Insider Conversations Mentors


Tim Johnston BSc(Agric) ‘81, Principal Consultant, BJW Agribusiness
Michael Rowe BSc(Hons) ‘07, Technology Project Lead, Rio Tinto

Arts and Culture

Andrea Bradbury BCom ‘14, Marketing Executive, WA Ballet
Jaime Mayger BEnvDes ‘14, MArch ‘17, Project Manager (public art), FORM

Business and Finance

Tshung-Hui Chang BCom ‘93, Director, Torque Metals Ltd
Myles Barnard BCom ‘16, MCom ‘18, Head Of Operations, Urbotanica
Nick Saunders BSc ‘81, Managing Director, Opaxe

Government and Defence

Leesa Markussen BA(Hons) ‘15, Senior Policy Advisor, Department of the Premier and Cabinet of WA
Simon Thackrah LLB, BA ‘04, MA ‘04, Senior Lawyer, WA Department of Housing
Patrick Hew BSc ‘96, PhD ‘01, Research Scientist, Defence Science and Technology Group

Education and Training

Claire Omodei MBA ‘15, Operational Readiness Specialist, Rio Tinto
Megan McCracken BA ‘88, MIR ‘94, Owner and Principal, Pleiades Global
Pauline Willis BPsych ‘93, Director, Lauriate Ltd
Rubi Mabrouk GradDipEd ‘07, Education Officer, Department of Education

Engineering, Energy and Resources

Jiz Loong BE ‘07, SPS Lead, INPEX
Khoo Soon Aun BE ‘14, Project Engineer, Woodside Energy
Danny Ma Bcom, BE ‘02, Senior Manager, Business Development, McDermott Australia
Bruce McCracken BCom ‘91, BJuris ‘91, LLB ‘92, Managing Director,BMG Resources Limited
Bindi Shah BSc ‘08, BSc(Hons) ‘10, MBA ‘18, Reserve Capacity Analyst, Australian Energy Market Operator
Kelechi Anyaegbu MBA ‘16, Principal Consultant, Data Engineering Pty Ltd

Health and Medicine

Neesha Seth MPsych ‘09, Principal Consultant - Organisational Psychologist, PeopleSense by Altius
Adela Tang BHlthSc ‘11, BSc(Hons) ‘12, MPH ‘14, Senior Policy Officer, Department of Health, WA Health
Ace Choo BSc ‘08, MInfectDis ‘10, Project Manager, Telethon Kids Institute
Rebecca Penco BSc ‘12, DMD ‘17, Dentist
Harjit Kaur MBBS ‘09, MPH ‘16, Medical Advisor, Australian Government, Department of Veterans’​ Affairs

Human Resources

Rhiannon Compton BSc ’16, MCom ‘18, People and Performance Adviser, IMS
William Schofield BSc, BCom ‘15, HR Advisor, CITIC Pacific Mining
Hamish Coffey BSc ‘13, MCom ‘18, HR Business Partner, Beaver Group of Companies
Kassy Taylor BA, BCom ‘14, Compliance Manager, Politis Central Services group
Kathleen Franklyn BSc ’88, BSc(Hons) ’89, PhD ’95, GradDipEd ‘16, Career Development Consultant


Aaron McDonald LLB ‘07, LLM ‘16, Director, Pragma Lawyers
Ebony Back BA ‘15, JD ‘18, Lawyer, Allens
Brett Davies BA ‘82, BA ‘84, BJuris ‘87, LLB ‘88, LLM ‘93, SJD ‘15, Partner, Legal Consolidated Barristers and Solicitors

Media, Marketing and Communications

Jeffrey Effendi LLB, BCom ‘14, Founder, DrawHistory
Anna Burchfield MIntRelns ‘14, Digital Communications Officer, Main Roads Western Australia
Kasia McNaught BA ‘07, Digital Marketing Advisor, Business Station


Zara Torre BDS ‘07, LLB, BA ‘14, MPH ‘18, CEO and Founder, The Difference
Michael Coghill BCom ‘08, Co-Founder, Total Green Recycling
Michelle Phillips BPEd ‘91, GradDipEd ‘92, MEd ‘94, Female Football Operations and Engagement Manager, West Cost Eagles Football Club

Property, Real Estate and Construction

Johnson Tan BCom ‘11, Financial Accountant, Scott Park Group
Zac Evangelisti BEnvDes ‘14, MArch ‘17, Project Manager, Minderoo Group
David Allen MBA ‘99, Director and Co-founder, David Allen Properties

Recreation and Fitness

Aaron Yeak BCom, BE ‘08, Director, F45 Training Belmont
Peter Peeling BSc(Hons) ‘05, PhD ‘09, MBA ‘19, Associate Professor, The University of Western Australia
Mark Lane BPEd ‘87, CEO, Surfing WA
Daniel Gibbons BA ‘09, Manager, WACA
Olivia Birkett BSc ‘01, General Manager WA, Bon Leisure

Science and Research

Ian Baxter BSc ‘80, Principal, SEAPEN Marine Environmental Services
Doug McGhie BSc(Agric) ‘72, PhD ‘81, MBA ‘91, Managing Director, Science Matters Pty Ltd
Dr Maska Law BSc ‘98, PhD ‘04, Business Analyst, Systemic
Lucy Furfaro BSc ‘14, BMedSc ‘15, PhD ‘19, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Women and Infants Research Foundation

Social Services and Community

Lou Forster MBA ‘16, Head of People and Brand, Chorus
Aden Date GradCertSocImp ‘15, Director//Freelance Consultant, Only the Human
Kate Chaney LLB ‘98, Director, Innovation and Strategy, Anglicare WA
Mark Teale BA ‘07, CEO, Council on the Ageing WA

Technology and Information Services

Conrad Pires MBA ‘16, Lead, Space Hub Perth
Andrew Walker BE ‘14, CTO, VROMO
Raymond Zhang BSc, BE ‘06, Principal Project Delivery Technology South Flank, BHP


Kim Hewson EMBA ‘10, Board Member, Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt
Manny Papadoulis BCom ‘83, Commissioner and Deputy Chairman, Tourism WA

Event Programme

6:00pm: Registration
Delegates are encouraged to arrive and register on time to make the most of the pre and post-presentation networking.
6:10pm: Welcome Address
Young Alumni Chair Rhiannon Compton BSc '16, MCom '18 will welcome delegates.
6:15pm: Presentation
45 minute presentation from UniSuper Expert Rudy Leong BA, BCom '09 sure to have your mind brimming with new facts, tips and advice to becoming your own personal finance wizard. 
6:55pm: Q&A
Your opportunity to ask any burning questions, seek clarification or probe deeper into an issue. 
7:00pm: Networking
End a great event with refreshments and the chance to connect with your fellow Young Alumni.