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  3. Emeriti Professors College

A valuable and continuing connection

The new College will become a highly valuable resource in supporting Emeriti Professors in transition into retirement. It will enable you to maintain a valuable connection with the University and to one another. We hope to provide opportunities to socially connect and to continue to promote lifelong learning amongst the College. Recognising that many of our Emeriti continue to engage with students and research, an early goal of the College is to provide a framework to assist in the continuation of research, teaching, and mentoring.

Check back regularly for updates, events and new opportunities to connect. 

Welcome 2024 Academic Board Luncheon

Each year UWA welcomes new Emeriti Professors at the Academic Board Lunch. 

Advisory Board of Emeriti Professors 

Ms Fiona Allan, Chief Advancement Officer
Winthrop Professor Marc Tennant AM, Chair, Academic Board
Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy, University Academic Secretary
Emeritus Professor James Trevelyan
Emeritus Professor Jenny Gregory AM
Emeritus Professor Lyn Beazley AO
Emeritus Professor Dennis Haskell AM
Professor Carmela Pestell
Mr Keiran Hargreaves, Director, Alumni and Community Engagement
Ms Jenn Parsons, Senior Alumni Engagement Manager

Celebrating 2021 Emeriti

The University of Western Australia Academic Board welcomed the appointments of fifteen Professors Emeriti at the annual Academic Board dinner in November 2021, bringing the total number of distinguished retired academics to well over 160.

In celebrating this momentous achievement, the 2021 Professors Emeriti have been featured on the new UWA Emeriti Professors website, sharing their variety of experiences at UWA, significant achievements throughout their careers and where they are going from here.

Celebrating 2022 Emeriti

We welcome the following Emeriti who have helped develop UWA into the institution it is today. Take a look at their reflections and thoughts of their work below.

Celebrating 2023 Emeriti

This year we welcomed 11 new Emeriti to the College, celebrating their work and life achievements, and their involvement in lifelong learning at UWA. In addition to the Emeriti below, we welcome Harry Blagg and Paul Taylor to the Emeriti Professors College.

Celebrating 2024 Emeriti

This year we welcomed 15 new Emeriti to the College, celebrating their work and life achievements, and their involvement in lifelong learning at UWA. 

All UWA Emeriti Professors

Lynette Abbott Patrick Finnegan Colin MacLeod Basil Sansom
Paul Abbott AO David Fletcher AM Graeme Martin Melvyn Sargent
Tim Ackland Bill Ford John Martin Linc Schmitt
Simon Anderson Martyn French Murray Maybery Deryck Schreuder
David Andrich Alex Gardner Tim Mazzarol Stephan Schug
Reg Appleyard AM Bob Gilkes Ian McArthur John Scott
Craig Atkins Mike Gillooly Gregory McCarthy Margaret Seares AO
Alan Atkinson Jenny Gregory AM Paul McCormick Krishna Sen
David Atkinson Gareth Griffiths Malcolm McCulloch Karen Simmer AO
Marcus Atlas AM Miranda Grounds Doug McEachern Leigh Simmons
Graham Aylmore Bob Grove John McGeachie OAM Kevin Singer
David Badcock David Groves Michael McLure Krishnapillai Sivasithamparam
Win Bailey John Hall Philip Mead Keith Smettem
Jane Balme Syd Hall Alistair Mees David Smith
Michael Barber AO Geoff Hammond John Melville-Jones AM Geoff Soutar
Richard Bartlett Peter Handford Con Michael AO Mark Spackman
Lyn Beazley AO Richard Harding Dick Mizerski Geoff Stewart
Lawrie Beilin AO Alan Harvey Grant Morahan George Stewart
Jenefer Blackwell Jennet Harvey Evan Morgan Leonie Still
Harry Blagg Dennis Haskell AM Neil Morgan AM Brian Stone
David Blair Richard Heaney Vera Morgan Jill Sweeney
Michael Blakeney Owen Hicks David Morrison Ann Tarca
Brian Blanksby Murray Hill Alan Morton AM Bill Taylor
Richard Bosworth Michael Hobbs AO Bernard Moulden AM Paul Taylor
Sandra Bowdler Richard Hobbs Charles Mulvey Wayne Thomas
Carol Bower AC D'Arcy Holman AM Rana Munns Bob Tonkinson
Don Bradshaw Beverley Hooper Campbell Murdoch Sirimon Treepongkaruna
Barry Brady Tracey Horton AO Paul Norman AM James Trevelyan
Philip Brown AM Tony House AM Hans Nossent  David Tunley AM
David Bruce Joe Hung Tony O'Donnell Darrell Turkington
Stuart Bunt David Hunt Tom O'Donoghue Rod Tyers
Mark Bush Ken Ilett Teik Oh AM Frank Van Kann
Tony Cantoni Greg Ivey Carolyn Oldham Lesley Vidovich
Robyn Carroll Izan Izan Robyn Owens AM Brendan Waddell
Denise Chalmers AM Assen Jablensky Charles Oxnard Brenda Walker
Anne Chapman Helene Jaccomard Mike Paech Diana Walker
Jim Chisholm Aleksandar Janca Norman Palmer Max Walters AM
Frank Christiansen Hamlyn Jones John Papadimitriou AM Robin Warren AC CitWA
Ken Clements David Joyce Robert Parfitt Imelda Whelehan
Douglas Clyde AM Byron Kakulas AO Lyn Parker Bob White
Philip Cocks Max Kamien AM CitWA John Pate AM Helen Wildy
Andy Cole Gary Kendrick Jim Paterson Jim Williams
Len Collard David Kennedy Lorenzo Polizzotto Phil Withers
John Considine David Kepert Paige Porter Chris Wortham
Alex Coram John Kinder OSI Stephen Powles Paul Wright
Donna Cross OAM Nigel King Cheryl Praeger AC Hong Yang
Hugh Davies AO Ross Kingwell Ian Puddey AM Samina Yasmeen AM CitWA
Peter Davies Matthew Knuiman Keith Punch George Yeoh
Brian Dawson Nigel Laing AO Elizabeth Rakoczy Stephen Zubrick CitWA
John Dell Hans Lambers Mark Randolph AO  
Arun Dharmarajan Louis Landau AO Richard Read  
Phillip Dolan Carmen Lawrence AO Trevor Redgrave  
Robert Dowse Michael Levine Bill Reed  
Sarah Dunlop Robert Lindner Gill Rhodes  
Ian Eggleton David Lindsay AO Geoff Riley AM  
Bruce Elliott AM Geoffrey London Dale Roberts  
Norman Etherington AM Bill Louden AM Alistar Robertson  
Mark Everard Roy Lourens AM Donald Robertson  
Robert Ewin Andrew Lynch Alan Robson AO CitWA  

Upcoming events

Check back for more information and dates coming soon.

Event Galleries

  • 2021 Academic Board Dinner

    Credit: Felix King Photography

  • 2022 Academic Board Dinner

    Credit: C Smith Photography

  • 2024 Academic Board Lunch
    Credit: C Smith Photography


  1. UWA email for life
  2. Basic IT support and equipment for active Emeriti
  3. Emeriti Professors College lapel pin
  4. Invites to exclusive Emeriti Professors College social events
    1. Breakfast Meetups at the University Club
    2. Vice Chancellor’s Thank You Sundowner
  5. Direct Emeriti help line (emeritihelp@uwa.edu.au)
  6. Methodology for passing on computer access in case of incapacity